We believe that God loves all of His children and wants them to be with Him in heaven. He has given us the responsibility of sharing His love and His commandments with those who don't yet know Him, so that they can choose to accept His gift of salvation.
God has given different gifts to each of us for use in ministry. Please look around and then contact the leader for the ministry you would like to volunteer.
Serving our Children

Leader: Deborah Butler
As part of the Children’s Ministry of the church, Adventurers is a ministry to children aged 2 – 10 years old. This ministry teaches children about God and develops their faith through age-appropriate curricula that provides spiritual lessons, interactive and challenging recreation activities, as well as field trips that gives opportunities to see and experience God’s world.
Adventist Youth Society (AYS)
Leader: Hopal Melbourne
The Adventist Youth Society (AYS) is extraordinarily unique in that it is the only ministry of the church that has historically been coordinated and operated by the youth of the church themselves. In addition, the importance of this ministry is reflected in its status as one of the pillars of the traditional Sabbath observance, as it conducts an official service to close out each Sabbath and welcomes in the new week. This ministry provides the platform for leadership development, the creative expressions of faith and experiences, and the strengthening of social bonds. Being considered, “for the youth, by the youth,” AYS is truly a ministry that provides a safe space for open communication, the exploration of questions and challenges faced in today’s world, and the sharing of personal victories, in order to encourage, comfort, and applaud the youth along their Christian journeys.
Childern's Ministries
Leader: Wendy Lewis
As a parent ministry that oversees the many ministries for children, Children’s Ministry exists guide and train children “in the way that [they] should go.” (Proverbs 22:6). This ministry is an essential component to church life and has the goal of equipping children to be servants to and witnesses for God among their families and friends. Keeping our youth engaged and focused on their walk with God will help them live a spiritually healthy and valued life that will prepare them to inherit God’s kingdom.
Leader: Stacey McKoy
As a large part of Children’s Ministry, the Pathfinders Club exists to serve the mental, physical, social, and spiritual needs of all youth aged 10-16. Guided by trained and dedicated Directors, Counselors, and other staff, Pathfinders complete well-designed curricula that help them learn about themselves, develop practical life skills, and strengthen their faith. The youth are kept busy with many activities that include earning skill honors, camping, visiting elderly, volunteering at public events, and playing in a drum corps or participating in color guard. A major component of this club is being engaged in service to God and finding ways to be a friend to mankind.
Serving our Members

Church Clerk
Leader: Denise Cox
The church clerk helps insure the general functioning of the church as a whole. The clerk is responsible for the keeping and maintaining the physical written records of the church. These records include membership rolls, meeting minutes, official communications with ministries and church officers, and many business dealings with organizations outside the church. The work of the clerk is crucial to the “efficient functioning of the church.”
Leader: Norbert Lewis
In the spirit of the seven men selected in the apostolic church in Acts 6:1-8, the deacons are church members who have been chosen and ordained to attend to the business of the church. (Church Manual, 2010, pg 76) Deacons perform various duties pertaining to the maintenance and operation of the church facilities, the carrying out of church services, including baptism and communion, and the offering of visitation and assistance to church members.
Leader: Rachel Sibiya
Deaconesses are women who, like Deacons, were regarded as an important part of the early church that filled the purpose of serving the church and meeting the needs of its members. With a spirit of service, the deaconesses carry out their duties of arranging the communion service, assisting in baptism, and attending to female members and guests participating in these services. In addition, caring and providing for members in need, as well as the sick and poor are among their selfless work.
Sabbath School
Leader: Boni Sibiya
Secretary: Bessie Evans
The Sabbath School ministry exists to encourage church members and individuals in the community alike, to study God’s word and to regularly reflect on the Christian experience. Meeting every Sabbath morning, this ministry begins the day with opportunities to worship God in a small-group setting through the singing of songs, sharing of testimonies, hearing about the blessings of mission work around the world, and discussing the lesson study for the week. Focus is placed on the unity of our faith and on sharing God’s love through service to, study with, and prayer for one another.
Health Ministry
Leader: Cleopatra Manuel
A core facet of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church worldwide, is the belief in and promotion of what is called the Health Message. This message is grounded in the fact that God created us with bodies that were designed to function effectively to serve Him. The Health Ministry exists within the structure of the church to emphasize this reality and to promote a healthy lifestyle. This lifestyle includes healthy eating, regular physical activity, and abstinence from harmful foods and activities. Above all, a healthy faith in God is crucial to a healthy mind, body, and soul.
Education Ministry
Leader: Marcia Hyatt
The Education ministry promotes Christian education and highlights the value of “learning of God.” By reminding church members that true education begins at home, this ministry seeks to encourage and support families in the challenges faced in the rearing of children. In addition, resources are provided and events are organized to help with financial literacy, education planning, and parenting. In promoting educational and spiritual activities at home, as we as at church, the Education ministry seeks to empower individuals to be witnesses of the blessings of God to others.
Prayer Ministry
Leader: Ray Crawford
Prayer Ministry exists to encourage and demonstrate the belief in “effective, fervent prayer.” Whether spending time in silent prayer, praying to intercede on another’s behalf, or praying the praises of our Savior, this ministry points to the undeniable access that we have to God and His mercy seat. To be invited and even implored by scripture to “pray without ceasing” and to “make our request known” is a blessing of God and must not be taken for granted in the life of a Christian. God has promised that He is faithful and just to hear our prayers, and we, therefore, must show our trust in Him by “boldly coming to the throne-room of grace.”
Serving our Community

Community Service
Leader: Margaret Hollman
As the primary ministry focused on outreach to the community, Community Service, provides clothing, food, and other needed items to families and individuals in need. This ministry stocks an operates a food pantry/soup kitchen, provides adult education, visits nursing homes, and provides references to other helpful resources for a variety of needs. Working as part of the Personal Ministry Department and along-side the Deacons and Deaconesses of the church, Community Service plays a major role in the carrying out of God’s desire for His church to love, care, and provide for one another.
Fifty-Plus Ministry
Leader: Margaret Hollman
The Fifty-Plus Ministry provides an opportunity for the senior members of the church to fellowship and bond through activities designed to encourage unity and spiritual growth. Community outreach, mentoring younger members, and going on social outings are staples for this ministry and its active members. Demonstrating kindness, providing encouraging and correcting words, and being consistent witnesses of God’s blessings, the members of this ministry are examples to the rest of the church as to what a grace-filled life looks like.
Communications Ministry
Leader: Thembi Sibiya
The Communications ministry exists to support the dissemination of information to the church members and the community at-large. A key role is the broadcasting of ministry events through the use of media that includes flyers, radio advertisements, website and social media postings, email, and newsletters. The goal is to use the sharing of information to not only keep individuals informed, but to provide the opportunity to learn about, participate in, and reflect on experiences designed to promote personal and spiritual growth.